Interior’s IEED Office Rolls Out $9.1 Million in Tribal Energy Development Grants
On April 27, the Interior Department announced it would grant about $9.1 million to federally recognized tribes and villages, Alaska Native regional or village corporations, authorized tribal organizations, and tribal energy resource development organizations to develop energy projects on tribal lands. The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) must receive funding proposals on or before July 8th.
Energy and Mineral Development Program - $7 million
IEED's energy and mineral development program will fund projects that assess, evaluate, or otherwise promote the processing, use, or development of energy and mineral resources on tribal lands. IEED is particularly interested in feasibility studies of community-scale energy development projects that promote local economic benefits and stronger tribal economies.
Tribal Energy Development Capacity Program - $1.5 million
IEED's tribal energy development capacity program will fund projects that establish tribal structures capable of engaging in commercial energy development or management activities, developing and enhancing key regulatory activities, and assisting tribes entering into tribal energy resource agreements.
Economic Feasibility Study Program - $650,000
IEED's economic feasibility study program will fund feasibility studies undertaken prior to pursuing energy or economic development projects on tribal lands. IEED may also fund market and demographic studies to identify which businesses are likely to prosper in particular communities.
For more information, contact a member of Holland & Knight's Native American Law Group.