Suncoast Estate Planning Council - November Roundtable

The Tightening Noose of International Tax Compliance for U.S. Taxpayers
November 11, 2010
All Children's Hospital Education Conference Center
St. Petersburg, FL

Estate Planning and Administration Partner Kevin Packman and Associate Mauricio Damian Rivero will present "The Tightening Noose of International Tax Compliance for U.S. Taxpayers" at the Suncoast Estate Planning Council – November Roundtable.

The Suncoast Estate Planning Council seeks to promote the study of the technical and practical aspects of estate planning and improve relations among members of different disciplines. Please join Mr. Packman and Mr. Rivero for an informative discussion on topical issues related to international compliance, including the multitude of forms, FATCA, the proposed FBAR regulations and voluntary disclosure.

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