The Impact of the Tax Relief Act of 2010 on Planning

February 18, 2011
MCLE Conference Center 
10 Winter Place
Boston, MA

Estate Planning and Administration Partner Shari Levitan will speak at an MCLE Program titled "The Impact of the Tax Relief Act of 2010 on Planning."

On December 17th, 2010, President Obama signed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Jobs Creation Act of 2010, which extended the so-called 'Bush Tax Cuts.' The new law has a significant impact on estate taxes, gift taxes and generation skipping transfer taxes. Speakers will address how this new legislation affects clients in a number of areas, including discount planning, estate and gift exemptions and extended deadlines.


• Changes in Federal Gift and Estate Tax Exemption
• Gifting Opportunities in 2011 and 2012
• What to Do About Existing Revocable Estate Plans
• Portability of Estate Tax Exemption Between Spouses
• Choice of Estate Tax or Carryover Basis for 2010 Decedents
• Changes to the Generation Skipping Transfer Tax
• GST Implications for 2010 Transfers
• GST Planning Opportunities for 2011 and 2012
• Extension of the IRA Charitable Rollover

The program will also be available via webcast. For more information or to register, click here.