Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning

January 9-13, 2012
Orlando World Center Marriott Resort and Convention Center
Orlando, FL

Trusts, Estates and Fiduciary Dispute Resolution Team Chair Bruce Ross and Partner Vivian Thoreen will speak at the Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning. Mr. Ross will speak on "Ethics - The ACTEC Commentaries in the 21st Century: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?" and on a panel with Ms. Thoreen titled "Elder Financial Abuse: Protecting the Aging Client from the Den of Thieves."

Mr. Ross's former discussion will address the practical application of the ACTEC Commentaries on the Model Rules of Professional Conduct in answering ethical challenges since the Commentaries' first publication in 1999.

On the latter panel, Mr. Ross and Ms. Thoreen will discuss the legal and ethical issues involved in deterring, minimizing and avoiding elder abuse through state laws; estates and elder law planning; use of powers of attorney, medical directives and trusts; pre-death will contests; among others. They will also address strategies for litigating an elder financial abuse case.