Strategies for Defending Against NPEs

PLI's Non-Practicing Entity Patent Litigation 2013
CLE Available, Seminar
December 12, 2013
9:00 AM PT

PLI California Center
685 Market Street
San Francisco, CA

Intellectual Property Team Members David Donoghue and Steven Jedlinski will speak at PLI's Non-Practicing Entity Patent Litigation 2013 event. Mr. Donoghue is chair of the event and will speak on a panel with Mr. Jedlinski titled "Strategies for Defending Against NPEs." In addition to taking place at PLI's California Center, the event will also be streamed in a live webcast.


  • new PTO procedures
  • bifurcation (recent case law allowing appeal at the end of the first portion of a bifurcated proceeding)
  • touch on legislation if it is close to being signed into law or has been signed into law 
  • the increasing effectiveness of exhaustion defenses
  • the power of standards setting bodies and RAND analysis