Walking the Tightrope – How to Balance the Rights of the Accuser and the Accused

Title-IX ExecuSummit
July 25-26, 2016
Mohegan Sun Hotel, Resort, & Convention Center
1 Mohegan Sun Boulevard
Uncasville, CT 06382
Attorneys Philip Catanzano and Paul Lannon will speak at the Inaugural Title IX ExecuSummit, an educational event focused on emerging issues and trends relevant to Title IX. Mr. Lannon will present on July 26 in a session titled "Innocent until Proven Guilty: Managing the Risk of Liability to Students Disciplined for Sexual Assault." Mr. Catanzano will present on July 27 in a session titled "Walking the Tightrope – How to Balance the Rights of the Accuser and the Accused During an Investigation."

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