Congressional Investigations: Navigating An Inquiry

Holland & Knight Webinar
CLE Available, Webinar
December 13, 2018
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET

You just received a letter from a congressional committee that wants to investigate the facts of a story splashed on the front page of The New York Times. The article suggests that your company's management engaged in questionable – perhaps even criminal – business activity. The committee is requesting that your business voluntarily hand over potentially millions of pages of documents related to the incident, which is quickly escalating into a scandal. Lawmakers also are asking that high-level executives make themselves available to be interviewed and testify before the committee. The media continue to run with each development, broadcasting information from "sources" across national and local internet and television platforms. How do you respond?

Holland & Knight's Congressional Investigations Team will provide key tips and walk you through the steps of how to handle a situation that could potentially devastate your company and career. Our attorneys are highly experienced in providing counsel during such investigations, and can help you map out a plan to successfully navigate inquiries while also strategically positioning you to handle potential fallout and the press.

We hope you will be able to join us for this highly informative presentation, for which CLE credit will be sought.

Continuing Legal Education

Holland & Knight is an approved CLE provider in several jurisdictions, including California, Georgia, Illinois, New York and Texas. All reasonable efforts to seek CLE credits for this program will be made. In certain instances, some programs may not be awarded CLE credits because of either content or jurisdictional restrictions. For New York attorneys, this program's format qualifies for CLE for transitional (newly admitted) and experienced attorneys.