Estate Planning for Social Media Influencers

Practising Law Institute
July 11, 2019
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

Private Wealth Services attorney Shaina Kamen will participate in a one-hour briefing about “super influencers” hosted by Practising Law Institute. The “super influencer”  has emerged as a public figure critical to a brand’s success and often they amass wealth rapidly and lack the tools to safeguard these assets.

The briefing will:

  • Provide an overview of the influencer industry, including the different ways influencers are compensated and otherwise earn revenue
  • Explore ways to maximize the influencer’s right of publicity through domicile planning
  • Discuss considerations in entity selection and succession planning with intellectual property
  • Review the estate planning needs of influencer clients together with sophisticated techniques for maximizing the transfer of wealth under the new tax laws

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