HR Toolkit Series Part 1: ERISA Fiduciary Fundamentals
Holland & Knight Webinar

Join Holland & Knight's Labor, Employment and Benefits Group as we kick off our four-part HR Toolkit Series. During this session, our presenters will introduce attendees to the basics of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) fiduciary law to facilitate a better understanding of ERISA principles that apply when managing retirement plans and investing plan assets.
Topics included:
- an explanation of basic ERISA terminology
- an overview of fiduciary duties and responsibilities
- tips for minimizing liability for board members and executives responsible for administering 401(k) plans
- a discussion of privilege issues that may arise when administering a 401(k) plan
Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
Holland & Knight will apply for CLE credit based on attendee requests. Some programs may not be awarded CLE credits because of content or jurisdictional restrictions. CLE accreditation is sought after the completion of the program, and the approval process can be lengthy in some jurisdictions. Holland & Knight is an approved CLE provider in several jurisdictions, including California, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas. For New York attorneys, this program's format qualifies for CLE for transitional (newly admitted) and experienced attorneys.
Continuing Professional Education Credits (CPE)
Holland & Knight can provide certificates of attendance that may be used to obtain CPE credit for nonlegal professions such as the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Attendees should follow their appropriate organization's self-application procedures.