Florida Senate Bill 264: Regulation of Certain Foreign Persons and Real Property in Florida
Holland & Knight Webinar

Please join Holland & Knight for a discussion on Florida Senate Bill (SB) 264, which went into effect on July 1, 2023. Subject to certain exemptions, the law restricts select persons from "foreign countries of concern" from directly or indirectly owning, having a controlling interest in or acquiring by purchase, grant, devise or descent any interest in any additional real property in Florida.
For more information and analysis of SB 264, see Holland & Knight's previous alerts, "Florida Law Limits Persons from Foreign Countries of Concern from Acquiring Real Property," May 23, 2023, and "Briefs Illuminate Florida Law Limiting Foreign Persons from Acquiring Real Property," July 13, 2023.
We hope you can join us for this highly informative presentation featuring attorneys Nathan Adams and Melissa Turra.
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