California's 2024 Housing Laws Part II: Affordable Housing

Holland & Knight Webinar
 California's 2024 Housing Laws Part I: Laws Broadly Applicable to Housing, Including Market Rate Housing
December 13, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PT

In Part II of this year's legislative recap, Holland & Knight attorneys will highlight the notable laws that apply to affordable housing projects. These include laws intended to facilitate streamlining:

  • SB 423 (Extension and Expansion of Streamlined Ministerial Approval Law for Affordable Projects Consistent with Objective Zoning Rules)
  • SB 4 (By-Right Approval for Affordable Housing on Land Owned by Religious Organizations and Higher Education Institutions)
  • SB 684 (Ministerial Approval of Up to 10-Unit Housing Projects on Small Sites)
  • AB 1490 (Adaptive Reuse for Affordable Housing)

We will also cover new CEQA exemptions and other new laws specifically applicable to affordable housing. Our presenters will include practical tips on how to apply the best aspects of these laws to your project through a mix of entitlement and litigation strategies.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

Holland & Knight will apply for CLE credit based on attendee requests. Some programs may not be awarded CLE credits because of content or jurisdictional restrictions. CLE accreditation is sought after the completion of the program, and the approval process can be lengthy in some jurisdictions. Holland & Knight is an approved CLE provider in several jurisdictions, including California, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas. For New York attorneys, this program's format qualifies for CLE for transitional (newly admitted) and experienced attorneys.