Tax Exemption Under a Microscope: Understanding the Board’s Duties During This Time of Scrutiny

The Governance Institute
December 5, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
Tax attorney Don Stuart and healthcare attorney Jesse Neil will present a webinar titled "Tax Exemption Under a Microscope: Understanding the Board’s Duties During This Time of Scrutiny" hosted by The Governance Institute. This session will focus on non-profit hospitals’ qualification for tax exemption. Mr. Stuart and Mr. Neil will review the current landscape and what is happening at federal and state levels that may further impact hospitals’ tax-exempt status. They will review practical steps and actions boards can take to ensure they are in compliance with current federal and state exemption requirements, while also positioning their hospital organizations in the best light for their communities served. Additionally, they will review how boards can prepare for challenges to their individual hospital’s tax-exempt status and possible legislative changes.