Artificial Intelligence Forum
Holland & Knight, Florida State University College of Law

Lower Level Conference Room
Washington, DC 20006
Please join Holland & Knight and Florida State University College of Law for three informative panel discussions on the in-demand topic of artificial intelligence (AI). Our distinguished moderators and panelists will begin with an overview of AI and then address regulatory issues surrounding AI and the future implications of its use.
The forum will conclude with a keynote speech by Professor Anu Bradford, a leading scholar on the European Union's regulatory power and a sought-after commentator on digital regulation, among other subjects. Professor Bradford is the author of the recently published book Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology (Oxford University Press, 2023), a lauded work that addresses themes at the heart of all of the panels for this event.
We hope you can join us for this highly informative presentation. Please RSVP below to attend either in person at Holland & Knight's Washington, D.C., office or online via Zoom only.
1:15 – 1:30 p.m. | Welcome and Opening Remarks
1:30 – 2:20 p.m. | Panel 1: Overview of AI
2:30 – 3:20 p.m. | Panel 2: Legal and Regulatory Issues of AI
3:20 – 3:30 p.m. | Break
3:30 – 4:20 p.m. | Panel 3: Implications of AI
4:30 – 5:15 p.m. | Keynote Address by Anu Bradford
Erin O'Hara O'Connor | Dean and Donald J. Weidner Chair, Florida State University College of Law
Anthony DiResta | Partner, Holland & Knight, Miami and Washington, D.C.
Introduction of Keynote Speaker:
Aaron Voloj Dessauer | Executive Director, Institute of Law, Technology & Innovation, Florida State University College of Law
Keynote Speaker:
Anu Bradford | Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organization, Columbia Law School
Panel 1: Overview of AI
This panel will lay the foundation for the forum by providing a broad overview of AI, its current capabilities and limitations, and the challenges and opportunities it presents.
Da'Morus Cohen | Partner, Holland & Knight, Miami
Shawn Bayern | Larry and Joyce Beltz Professor of Torts and Associate Dean for Technology, Florida State University College of Law
Ryan Abbott | Professor of Law and Health Sciences, School of Law, University of Surrey, UK, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
Richard Harper | Partner, Baker Botts, New York
Helen Toner | Director of Strategy and Foundational Research Grants, Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Georgetown University
Panel 2: Legal and Regulatory Issues of AI
As breakthrough technology with the potential to touch virtually every aspect of our economy and society, AI has already drawn the attention of lawmakers and regulators. The legal and regulatory responses are still nascent, however, and are sure to remain an important priority for many lawmaking and regulatory bodies. This panel will foreground the legal and regulatory issues that have already emerged and will continue to develop.
Anthony DiResta | Partner, Holland & Knight, Miami and Washington, D.C.
David Vladeck | Professor and Faculty Director, Center on Privacy & Technology, Georgetown University Law Center; Former Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Michael Atleson | Senior Attorney, FTC
Kwamina Williford | Partner, Holland & Knight, Washington, D.C.
Keith Sonderling | Commissioner, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Panel 3: Implications of AI
Although AI's transformative potential is often covered in the news and we have already encountered AI in our work and everyday lives, the full scope of this advanced technology's implications might not be readily apparent. This panel will consider the impacts of AI that are already being felt, as well as what the future may hold as AI continues to affect businesses, governments and individual citizens in the years to come.
Nadia Banteka | Gary and Sally Pajcic Professor, Florida State University College of Law
Hodan Omaar | Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Data Innovation, Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF)
Michael Frank | Senior Fellow, Wadhwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Kashmir Hill | Technology Reporter, The New York Times, and Author, Your Face Belongs to Us
Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
Please note: After the completion of the program, Holland & Knight will apply for CLE credit in the following jurisdictions based on attendee requests: California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Washington. Some programs may not be awarded CLE credits because of content or jurisdictional restrictions. Please be aware that the CLE approval process can be lengthy in some jurisdictions. Holland & Knight is an approved CLE provider in several jurisdictions, including California, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas. For New York attorneys, this program's format qualifies for CLE for transitional (newly admitted) and experienced attorneys. General Certificates of Attendance will be provided upon request for states where applications are not submitted.