California's 2025 Housing Laws: Part II

Holland & Knight Webinar
Webinar, CLE Available
California's 2025 Housing Laws: Part II
December 11, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PT

Join Holland & Knight's West Coast Land Use and Environmental Group for the latest presentation in our regular webinar series discussing newly enacted laws affecting the housing industry. In this installment, land use attorneys Chelsea Maclean, Genna Yarkin and Andrew Starrels will cover highlights from our annual California housing legislative recap.

Highlights include:

  • the California Legislature returned to the scene of its previous work on streamlined ministerial permitting, expanding the applicability of AB 2011 of 2022 (sites zoned for commercial development), SB 35 of 2017 (for housing on residential sites) and SB 684 of 2023 (up to 10-unit housing subdivisions on small sites)
  • the Legislature attempted to acknowledge the difficult economic conditions facing housing by adopting an 18-month entitlement extension for qualifying projects, allowing housing development applicants to defer applicable fees until certificate of occupancy and increasing transparency on impact fees
  • recognizing that the need for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) streamlining is as important as ever, the Legislature extended the sunset date of several common CEQA exemptions

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