What Non-U.S. Tax and Financial Advisors Should Know About U.S. Taxation Relief in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Holland & Knight hosted a live webinar presentation providing an overview of COVID-19 governmental responses impacting domestic and cross-border tax matters. This highly informative program was designed for non-U.S. professional advisors, including attorneys, accountants, certified tax experts and financial advisors.
Topics included:
- the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provisions amending the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
- an overview of the tax provisions impacting businesses and individuals
- planning opportunities and pitfalls arising under the CARES Act
- how certain provisions may benefit domestic planning but detriment international tax planning
- IRS administrative releases impacting 2019 federal tax payments and filing
- unresolved issues impacting nonresident alien individuals and foreign corporations from nonresident cross-border workers/high-net-worth individuals stranded in the United States
- the income tax residence status of stranded nonresident aliens – and potential triggering of U.S. worldwide taxation and resultant tax compliance burdens for 2020
- the creation of U.S. trade, business or permanent establishment status and the related tax and compliance aspects
- the residence status of a company (effective place of management)
- a high-level overview of state and local tax agency relief responses
Nicole M. Elliott | Partner, Washington, D.C.
Seth J. Entin | Partner, Miami
Alan Winston Granwell | Of Counsel, Washington, D.C.
Denise M. Mudigere | Partner, Dallas
William M. Sharp | Partner, Atlanta, San Francisco and Tampa
William B. Sherman | Partner, Fort Lauderdale
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