June 19, 2024


Holland & Knight stands in recognition of Juneteenth, the oldest nationwide observance of the emancipation of enslaved persons in the United States. This day serves as a tribute to the liberty, culture and accomplishments of Black Americans, including our esteemed colleagues. By recognizing Juneteenth, we acknowledge the dark chapters of slavery in our nation's past and embrace the imperative for collective action, fostering lasting transformations in inclusion, equality and justice.

Join us in reflecting on this occasion, uniting to dismantle systemic barriers that hinder our progress as a nation. We invite you to listen to this reflection narrated by Chicago Litigation Practice Group Leader Timothy Ray and encourage you to explore the significance of Juneteenth, a momentous day for all Americans. Today, and every day, we reaffirm our dedication to upholding the fundamental principle that all individuals are inherently equal.

Timothy Ray: Holland & Knight is proud to again commemorate the oldest national celebration of the end of slavery in the United States, which came to be known as Juneteenth, Freedom Day, Jubilee Day or Emancipation Day.

Every June 19, we come together as a firm to reflect, remember and celebrate the strength and cultural contributions of Black Americans today and throughout history.

Importantly, we also celebrate the accomplishments of our Black colleagues, who have demonstrated professional excellence in the firm, the community and the profession.

Today is an opportunity to acknowledge the complexities of our history and confront this nation's unfulfilled promises of liberty and justice for all. As we celebrate Juneteenth, let's stand in solidarity, amplify voices and take actions that promote unity and understanding.

This Juneteenth, let's honor our shared history, celebrate our progress and recommit to building a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

Together as a firm, we are taking Juneteenth to reflect on our nation's complex history, the continued challenges facing the country and the work that we must do both individually and collectively to make lasting changes for inclusion, equity and justice. We encourage you to do the same.

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