August 14, 2009

Inclusionary Zoning Regulations Now in Effect

Holland & Knight Alert
Dennis R. Hughes

With today’s publication of the Maximum Rent and Purchase Price Schedule in the DC Register, Chapter 26 (Inclusionary Zoning) of the Zoning Regulations is now in effect. The new zoning requirements and affordability standards have potential implications for developers and investors.

Attached for your reference are the following:

  1. Maximum Rent and Purchase Price Schedule 
  2. Certification of Inclusionary Zoning Compliance Application Form that will need to be filed with all impacted building permit applications 
  3. Overview of Inclusionary Zoning implementation and administrative processing by the DC Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs and the DC Department of Housing & Community Development

Holland & Knight’s DC Land Use Group is advised by the DC Office of the Attorney General that the Inclusionary Zoning Covenant required to be recorded as part of this new program is in process of being finalized and not yet available for distribution. Your Holland & Knight contacts will distribute information as soon as it is available.

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