September 2023

Unofficial Link of the Opposing Party in the Request for Preventative Measures: Change in Stance from the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce?

Legal Industry Reviews
Ana Sofia Cabrales

Intellectual Property attorney Ana Sofía Cabrales published an article in Legal Industry Reviews analyzing possible responses by a company when a third party uses a trademark without the holder's permission. Ms. Cabrales describes some preventative measures and the process of requesting them before Colombia's Superintendency of Industry and Commerce. She also comments that recent decisions from the Delegation for Jurisdictional Matters reveal a change in the traditional stance of the agency: a tendency to resolve the situation without allowing the opposing party to be involved.

READ: Unofficial Link of the Opposing Party in the Request for Preventative Measures: Change in Stance from the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce? (Article begins on page 60)

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