February 2024

Accreditation of the New Spanish Global Minimum Tax in Mexico

Legal Industry Reviews México
Mario Barrera

Tax attorneys Mario Barrera and Andrea Iturbide wrote an article for Legal Industry Reviews (LIR) México outlining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) adoption of the "Model Rules to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting" (Pillar 2), aimed at setting a global minimum tax rate of 15 percent for multinational corporations with revenues exceeding 750 million euros. They detailed the European Union's (EU) implementation of a supplementary tax following these guidelines, which was similarly undertaken by Spain through specific legislative proposals. The article emphasizes the significance of assessing whether this Spanish tax can be credited in Mexico, considering double taxation avoidance agreements, and advises multinationals to review their fiscal structures in light of these new global regulations.

READ: Accreditation of the New Spanish Global Minimum Tax in Mexico (Article begins on page 72)

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