In the Headlines
October 23, 2009
Roofers, landscapers in a turf war over Chicago's rooftop gardens
Chicago Tribune
Labor, Employment and Benefits Partner Kenneth Jenero was quoted in an October 23 Chicago Tribune article titled, "Roofers, landscapers in a turf war over Chicago's rooftop gardens."
The article discusses intensifying competition between roofers and commercial landscapers to land green-roof installation projects on public and commercial buildings in the Chicago area. A recent dispute regarding a green-roof project at Roosevelt Collection, a South Loop loft and retail development, pitted the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers against Moore Landscapes, Inc. Shortly after Moore Landscapes began work on the project, the roofers union filed an objection with the Chicago & Cook County Building & Construction Trades Council, arguing that the work belonged to a roofing company on the grounds that roofers have experience with all types of systems, including green roofs, whereas a landscaper is just taught how to maintain vegetation and plants. In its September 30 decision, the National Labor Relations Board found the roofers union did not support its claims that its members have more experience installing vegetative roofs than landscapers. Mr. Jenero, who represents Moore Landscapes noted that the decision bodes well for landscape businesses that are involved in labor disputes with the roofers union. "If the NLRB had come down in favor of roofers, Moore would have been forced to lay people off…It would have made no sense," he said. To read the full article, please click on the link below.
The article discusses intensifying competition between roofers and commercial landscapers to land green-roof installation projects on public and commercial buildings in the Chicago area. A recent dispute regarding a green-roof project at Roosevelt Collection, a South Loop loft and retail development, pitted the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers against Moore Landscapes, Inc. Shortly after Moore Landscapes began work on the project, the roofers union filed an objection with the Chicago & Cook County Building & Construction Trades Council, arguing that the work belonged to a roofing company on the grounds that roofers have experience with all types of systems, including green roofs, whereas a landscaper is just taught how to maintain vegetation and plants. In its September 30 decision, the National Labor Relations Board found the roofers union did not support its claims that its members have more experience installing vegetative roofs than landscapers. Mr. Jenero, who represents Moore Landscapes noted that the decision bodes well for landscape businesses that are involved in labor disputes with the roofers union. "If the NLRB had come down in favor of roofers, Moore would have been forced to lay people off…It would have made no sense," he said. To read the full article, please click on the link below.