In the Headlines
November 7, 2018

Dem-Led House Will Bring Heat Over Trump Energy Policies


Senior Policy Advisor Beth Viola was quoted in a discussion of how the newly elected Democrat-led House of Representatives will affect the energy and environmental policies that the Trump administration has put forward by increasing the number of congressional investigations and hearings to slow down the process. The heads of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Interior and Transportation (DOI) will likely have to defend the administration's policies more now that Democrats run the House. Ms. Viola explains that there are several questions of oversight and ethics complaints against these agencies as they have changed the way that science is used to justify new regulations.

"There is a fundamental concern by many leaders in Congress that this administration is doing everything it can to undermine the scientific community and take science out of rulemakings,” said Ms. Viola.

READ: Dem-Led House Will Bring Heat Over Trump Energy Policies (Subscription Required)

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