In the Headlines
July 25, 2019

Raid or Reinvest? Connecticut, Vermont Take Different Paths on Efficiency Funds

Energy News Network

In recent years, the state of Connecticut has withdrawn funds from a program that helps residents and businesses save energy while the state of Vermont has expanded a similar energy efficiency fund. This difference shows varying priorities between these states, and advocates say lawmakers must be informed on the financial benefits from spending on efficiency funds. The recent $175 million diversion of funds in Connecticut caused alarm among advocates and prompted them to sue the state in federal court in an attempt to recover the funds. Holland & Knight is representing this group of environmental organizations, energy efficiency businesses and ratepayers suing the governor, treasurer and comptroller of Connecticut. 

"The ratepayers have been contributing to these funds for years, and because of their success in investing in clean energy, conservation and renewable energy, the state had been making tremendous progress," said Energy Attorney Stephen Humes in an interview with Energy News Network. "The plaintiffs decided to go to court because this was a terrible setback."

READRaid or Reinvest? Connecticut, Vermont Take Different Paths on Efficiency Funds