In the Headlines
June 3, 2022

Biden's Worker Rights Views Show In Supreme Court Briefs


Labor, Employment and Benefits attorney Timothy Taylor spoke with Law360 about how different government agencies interact in employment cases taken to the U.S. Supreme Court. As a former deputy solicitor of labor, Mr. Taylor provided insight on how the solicitors at the Department of Justice and Department of Labor work together, and how President Biden's policies have influenced amicus briefs.

"Part of good government is cross-agency collaboration on litigation issues that affect those agencies, and also for which they can offer expertise," Mr. Taylor said. "It's helpful for the solicitor general's office, both in the litigation matter and as a matter of simply continuing to run the government well, to be aware of those issues that are sometimes a little bit beneath the surface."

READ: Biden's Worker Rights Views Show in Supreme Court Briefs (Subscription required)