In the Headlines
January 11, 2023

COVID’s Threat is Fading. But Its Legacy of Fraud Keeps Florida Litigators Active

Daily Business Review

Government investigations attorney Cary Aronovitz was quoted in the Daily Business Review about the rise in online fraud cases following the COVID-19 pandemic. The cases point to the impact the pandemic has had on the further digitization of society as fraudsters have increasingly turned to the internet.

Mr. Aronovitz explained that Florida’s new role as a crypto hot spot was bound to add even more fraud to the long history of Sunshine State scams.

“Particularly in Miami, where crypto was so hot last year, you’re definitely going to see fraud schemes emerge,” he said. “And I think this year, you’re certainly going to see a lot of people who [were] burned looking to recover their losses.”

READ: COVID’s Threat is Fading. But Its Legacy of Fraud Keeps Florida Litigators Active