In the Headlines
September 20, 2023

Law Will Require at Least 5% of Companies' Payroll to Come from Remote Positions

La República

Labor and Employment attorney Camilo Cuervo was quoted in an article published by La República about the new labor reform in Colombia. President Gustavo Petro's reform promotes remote working and must be applied when the company has more than 20 employees, to at least 5 percent of the payroll. Mr. Cuervo suggests that this reform is presented as a response to the criticism that the Government received for its lack of action to reduce unemployment and labor informality.

"Colombia already has a high level of regulation regarding remote work, which includes various forms, such as working at home, teleworking, remote work and nomadic work, but the labor reform does not seem to introduce significant changes in this issue or keep in mind that it is a practice that does not work for all companies or for all workers, due to various circumstances, among them, that there are people who need to socialize in their daily routine, face concentration difficulties, lack training or discipline to exercise perform their duties from home or have an inadequate environment, such as small and uncomfortable spaces, to carry out their work," he said.

READ: Law Will Require at Least 5% of Companies' Payroll to Come from Remote Positions

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