In the Headlines
November 17, 2023

Latin American Family Offices Look Northward, Fueling Demand for Private Wealth Expertise in South Florida

Daily Business Review

Private Wealth Services attorney Stewart Kasner was quoted in a Daily Business Review article about the growing importance of Latin American family offices investing in the United States through South Florida. The article discussed the surge of investments from Latin American family offices into real estate, technology and private equity deals in Miami and beyond. Mr. Kasner noted that while there is a small group of lawyers advising international clients in Miami, there is no sense of competition because of the amount of work coming into the region. 

"There's a small group but there's a good group of qualified individuals in Miami to advise international clients, and I generally know all of them. The funny thing is, I don't feel any sense of competition with them. We're all so busy. We don't really feel like we compete with each other," he said.

READ: Latin American Family Offices Look Northward, Fueling Demand for Private Wealth Expertise in South Florida (Subscription required)