In the Headlines
February 23, 2024

Q&A: Data Privacy and Cyber Security: Management Liability

Financier Worldwide

Cyber Liability Insurance attorney Thomas Bentz was highlighted in a Financier Worldwide interview explaining how senior leaders play a crucial role in enhancing data protection strategies. Mr. Bentz emphasized the importance of executive involvement in documenting decisions related to cybersecurity incidents and participating in cybersecurity incident tabletop exercises. This proactive leadership approach is essential in navigating the complex landscape of evolving privacy laws, increasing scrutiny over data collection methods and rising frequency of cybersecurity incidents. Bolstering data protection involves not only preparation and response strategies but also ensuring that a company's cyber liability insurance adequately covers potential data breaches. Mr. Bentz's insights shed light on the integral role of senior leaders in shaping a culture of accountability and rigor in cybersecurity practices.

"Senior leaders can bolster data protection strategies by becoming involved in and documenting decisions relating to cybersecurity incidents and actively participating in cybersecurity incident tabletop exercises," he said.

READ: Q&A: Data Privacy and Cyber Security: Management Liability

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