Press Release
February 8, 2016

Holland & Knight’s Annie Hernandez Becomes President of Cuban American Bar Association

Ms. Hernandez is the fourth Holland & Knight lawyer to serve as CABA president

MIAMI (February 8, 2016) – Anna Marie ("Annie") Hernandez, a litigation partner in Holland & Knight’s Miami office, was installed as president of the Cuban American Bar Association (CABA) at the organization’s 42nd annual Installation Gala and Foundation Benefit Dinner on Feb. 6. Additionally, Miami litigation partner Frances Guasch De La Guardia was also sworn in as secretary of CABA's 15-member board of directors.

Holland & Knight has a long history of leadership within CABA, with three past presidents and several former board members. Miami partners Vivian de las Cuevas-Diaz (2012), Raul Cosio (1992) and Jorge Hernandez-Toraño (1989) have all served as president of the organization. Ms. Hernandez is CABA's 42nd president and the eighth woman to lead the group.

In December, Ms. Hernandez told the Daily Business Review that a major goal of her presidency would be to bring the group’s focus back to its roots. "I would like to reinvigorate the organization," she said. "I want to keep us relevant and keep our ties to the past but also educate our newer members on the significance of what's going on around us."

Founded in Miami in 1974, CABA is a voluntary bar association with 2,500 members. It was established to bring together, by association, communication and organization, not only Cuban American lawyers, but also lawyers of all other backgrounds interested in issues affecting the Cuban community, as well as broader legal and human rights issues impacting minority communities as a whole.