Clients Single Out Holland & Knight for Having Best Associates
MIAMI (August 3, 2017) – Holland & Knight is ranked among the top eight law firms for quality of its associates in the newly released “Law Firms with the Best Associates 2017” report by The BTI Consulting Group, Inc.
The report is based on 324 in-depth telephone interviews with top legal decision-makers at large organizations with $1 billion or more in revenue, including general counsel and their direct reports, chief legal officers, chief legal operating officers and business executives who hire and influence the selection of law firms, across more than 15 industry segments.
“As a firm, we believe that providing the best client service possible is a team effort requiring assistance from everyone, and we were delighted to see clients recognize the good work that our associates perform,” said Deborah Barnard, Holland & Knight’s professional growth and development partner. “Serving clients well requires a wide variety of attributes, including substantive legal skills, communications skills, common sense and an investment in the client, and we work to train and incent all of these.”
According to BTI, “clients make a mental note of the firms who will put their associates on the front lines and make them visible. They believe client-facing experiences, however limited, are good for these young attorneys and will help their careers.”