Press Release
August 6, 2018

Amy L. Edwards Sworn In as Chair of American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy and Resources

WASHINGTON (August 6, 2018) – Holland & Knight is proud to announce that Amy L. Edwards, a partner in the firm’s Washington, D.C., office, was sworn in yesterday as the 92nd chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Environment, Energy and Resources (SEER). She will serve a one-year term.

“Amy is widely recognized as one of the top environmental lawyers in the country, and she is the perfect choice to head SEER,” said David Whitestone, the leader of Holland & Knight’s Government Section. “We are proud of Amy’s accomplishments and congratulate her on her important new role.”

Ms. Edwards has previously served in a number of leadership roles within SEER, including as chair-elect, vice chair, education officer, chair of the 21st Fall Conference, and chair of the Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee. She also edited and published a book titled Implementing Institutional Controls at Brownfields and Other Contaminated Sites (2nd ed.).

Ms. Edwards is the co-chair of Holland & Knight’s National Environmental Team. She has been recognized as a leading environmental lawyer for many years by Chambers USA, Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers and comparable publications. She served on the board of directors of the Environmental Law Institute for seven years and chaired the District of Columbia Building Industry Association’s Committee on Environment for eight years. She also was an advisor to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws while it developed the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act.

Ms. Edwards’ practice is focused on counseling developers, lenders and corporations about effective strategies for structuring real estate and corporate transactions to minimize environmental and financial risk. She represents local governments, developers, financial institutions, manufacturers and energy companies on brownfields redevelopment, vapor intrusion, base closure, privatization of military housing, environmental insurance, storm water, energy benchmarking, power purchase agreement, cleanup, cost recovery, environmental compliance and enforcement issues. She is a leading national expert on risk-based corrective action and institutional controls and speaks regularly at national conferences on these issues.   

As SEER chair, Ms. Edwards will focus on member engagement, recruitment and outreach. She will place a special emphasis upon SEER being an organization that continues to care deeply about the nation’s core environmental, energy and resource issues, programs and institutions, and  provides a forum for vigorous debate on issues of vital importance to environmental, energy and resource practitioners. She also will advocate the benefits that SEER offers its members and the moral and ethical obligations that SEER members have to pass on their wealth of knowledge and experience to the next generation of practitioners. 

“I am looking to Section members to help me in this endeavor, and to reach out to our younger members and mentor and encourage them as they develop in their professional lives,” said Ms. Edwards.

About SEER: With 10,000 members, SEER is the premier national organization for environmental, energy and resource lawyers. It prides itself as being the place where practitioners can learn, teach and contribute to solving the most complicated environmental, energy and resource problems facing the United States and the world while serving the public interest. SEER’s roots go back to 1926 as the Section of Mineral Law. Its name has changed several times since then, but its fundamental purposes have not.