Esteban Garcia Jimeno
Senior Counsel

Esteban García-Jimeno is an attorney in Holland & Knight's Bogotá office. He has more than 15 years of experience in real estate, urban, corporate and commercial law.
Mr. García-Jimeno has extensive experience in the legal structuring of real estate projects, in rural and urban lands, for commercial, industrial, residential, tourism, hotel and institutional uses. He advises national and international clients in due diligence and negotiation process, and in contractual structuring for the acquisition of real estate. Mr. García-Jimeno also advises in the structuring of trust schemes; joint ventures and collaboration agreements for real estate projects; engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts; and other contractual documents that are key to the development of important construction projects.
In addition, Mr. García-Jimeno provides advice on urban and land planning-related matters for the development of a variety of projects, including support for land use planning by obtaining partial plans, implementation plans, regularization and management plans and urban development licenses.
Furthermore, Mr. García-Jimeno has advised companies in the agro-industrial and forestry sectors in the process of acquiring rural properties, with a strategic vision to help mitigate special risks applicable to this type of real estate. Additionally, he has provided advice on land planning and acquisition of real rights or structuring of contracts over real estate for the exploitation of hydrocarbon, mining and renewable energy projects.
On the corporate side, Mr. García-Jimeno advises Colombian and foreign clients in the incorporation, transformation, merger, spinoff and acquisition of companies and branches in Colombia, as well as in the negotiation and drafting of all types of corporate documents, including shareholders agreements and share purchase and sale agreements. He advises domestic and foreign clients with regard to corporate matters and ensures the implementation of the codes of good governance, compliance programs including transparency and business ethics program (Programas de Transparencia y Ética Empresarial or PTEE), risk prevention systems associated with money laundering and terrorist financing (Sistema de Autocontrol y Gestión del Riesgo Integral de Lavado de Activos, Financiación del Terrorismo y Financiamiento de la Proliferación de Armas de Destrucción Masiva or SAGRILAFT), and other mechanisms for the prevention of legal risks.
- Universidad Externado de Colombia, LL.M., Economic Law
- Universidad Externado de Colombia, J.D.
- Colombia
- Acclamatory Award, LL.M. Dissertation, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2014
- High Score on Colombia's State Exams of Higher Education, Colombia Ministry of Education, 2006
- English
- Spanish