Thomas M. Reynolds
Senior Policy Advisor

Tom Reynolds, a former New York congressman, is a senior policy advisor and a member of the firm's Public Policy & Regulation Group based in Washington, D.C. Mr. Reynolds advises clients on legislative and regulatory matters and strategy, drawing from his 35 years of service in elected public office.
Mr. Reynolds is well-versed in legislative and political strategy, and works with clients in the areas of tax, international trade, healthcare, financial services regulation and energy. With his significant experience serving in the elected House leadership and on the House Committee on Ways and Means, Mr. Reynolds assists clients in understanding government and public policy issues to support their strategic business plans and the politics affecting those decisions.
As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mr. Reynolds represented the 26th Congressional District in Western New York that stretched from the Buffalo suburbs to the western suburbs of Rochester. He served five terms as a representative and four years as an elected House leader. Mr. Reynolds was a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee and a member of three subcommittees: Trade, Select Revenue Measures and Oversight. In addition, Mr. Reynolds served on the Rules Committee, Administration Committee and the Steering Committee, which selected committee assignments for Republican members of Congress.
Mr. Reynolds was elected to House leadership after his second term in Congress. He served two terms as chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the House's campaign committee.
During his tenure as a congressman, Mr. Reynolds secured more than $500 million in federal funding for his district. In addition, he had several of his legislative initiatives signed into law, including the Smith-Reynolds bill, which aided in the movement of goods and people across the U.S. border with Canada.
Prior to being elected to Congress, Mr. Reynolds served five terms as a member of the New York State Assembly. He rose to the post of Republican leader in 1995, becoming the first Republican from the eight counties of Western New York to lead an Assembly conference in more than 60 years.
While in the Assembly, Mr. Reynolds served as chairman of the Minority Affordable Housing Task Force and was honored nationally as Legislator of the Year by the American Legislative Exchange Council for his work championing affordable home ownership initiatives in New York. He was an elected official in county and local government for 15 years.
Prior to joining Congress, Mr. Reynolds was a small business owner. He is also a licensed real estate and insurance broker.
- Legislator of the Year, American Legislative Exchange Council
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Springville Chamber of Commerce
- Ten Most Influential Western New Yorkers, Buffalo Business First Magazine
- Public Leadership Award, Business Council of New York State
- Western New York's Most Powerful Politician, The Buffalo News-Sunday Magazine