Initiative to Reform Laws on Labor, Social Security and Tax in Subcontracting

Holland & Knight Webinar
Iniciativa de reforma a leyes en materia laboral, de seguridad social y fiscal en subcontrataciones
November 25, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET

Holland & Knight's attorneys will provide the main legal updates that you and your company need to keep in mind regarding outsourcing plans so that you remain aware of possible changes and the different names that have been assigned to this normative figure – such as "outsourcing," "hiring of support services" or "work carried out by personnel not dependent on the company name" – by scholars and analysts in areas including the Federal Labor Law, Mexican Social Security Institute, Income Tax, Tax Code and Value Added Tax Law.

Please note that we will allow a few minutes at the end of the call to answer any questions you may have. If you prefer to send questions directly to one of our attorneys or if you were unable to direct your questions to the exhibitors during the webinar, please direct them to Eduardo de Ovando.

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