Doing Business in Colombia and Mexico in 2021

Holland & Knight Latin America Webinar Series
Doing Business in Colombia and Mexico: Investment Opportunities for 2021
April 7, 2021
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET

Holland & Knight is pleased to present our Latin America Webinar Series, which explores various topics and provides in-depth analysis of the business and legal opportunities across the Latin America region. Our presentations are strongly encouraged for individuals who are doing business or looking to do business in Latin America.

Please join us in our second session, "Doing Business in Colombia and Mexico: Investment Opportunities for 2021," for a deep dive on investment opportunities that will be available across multiple industry sectors during, beyond and after the pandemic and the most relevant business information for those looking to Colombia and Mexico as an investment destination.

Topics include:

  • investment outlook and what opportunities to consider in Colombia and Mexico
  • relevant legal changes in Colombia and Mexico as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • legal basics for investing in Colombia or Mexico

Our attorneys will provide comprehensive information on all the legal requirements for clients doing business or looking to do business in Colombia or Mexico, as well as for investing across Latin America.