New York Real Estate Trends Part 1: Adaptive Reuse - Converting Office Buildings to Residential Use
Holland & Knight Webinar

Join Holland & Knight's Real Estate Practice for the first session in our webinar series on New York Real Estate Trends.
Part 1: Adaptive Reuse - Converting Office Buildings to Residential Use
Holland & Knight real estate and land use attorneys and a noted architect will share their experiences of converting several New York City office buildings to residential and mixed uses over more than a decade. The webinar will explore the best candidates for reuse, the process of doing so and the hurdles that have to be addressed in successfully completing the conversion, as well as identify best practices in converting and reusing an aging building. In many respects, it is easier to demolish and rebuild, but repurposing an aging or underutilized building can result in lower costs, increased sustainability, a far more eclectic design, benefits from the grandfathering of the original zoning rights and an expeditious delivery of more housing for a city that desperately needs it.
Renee Covitt | Partner, Holland & Knight
Mark Ginsberg | Partner, Curtis + Ginsberg Architects
Kenneth Lowenstein | Partner, Holland & Knight
Stuart Saft | Partner, Holland & Knight
Barak Wrobel | Senior Counsel, Holland & Knight