Tax Legislative Update

Holland & Knight CPA Webinar Series
Webinar, CLE Available
Tax Legislative Update
June 13, 2023
12:00 PM ET

Please join Holland & Knight's Legislative Tax Team for what's next in the world of tax policy. With several tax provisions expired or expiring, much is at stake in the 118th Congress when it comes to tax policy.

During this webinar, we will discuss what tax code changes are under consideration by Congress and what is on the horizon, particularly given that many of the provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will expire at the end of 2025. Can Congress reach a bipartisan agreement? If so, when? And how will developments on the international stage impact U.S. tax policy?


Nicole Elliott  |  Partner, Washington, D.C.
Joshua Odintz  |  Partner, Washington, D.C.
Todd Wooten  |  Partner, Washington, D.C.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

Holland & Knight will apply for CLE credit based on attendee requests. Some programs may not be awarded CLE credits because of content or jurisdictional restrictions. CLE accreditation is sought after the completion of the program, and the approval process can be lengthy in some jurisdictions. Holland & Knight is an approved CLE provider in several jurisdictions, including California, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas. For New York attorneys, this program's format qualifies for CLE for transitional (newly admitted) and experienced attorneys

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