Reform to the Public Sector Acquisitions, Leasing and Services Law in Mexico
On July 29, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the plenary session of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies approved the reform to the Public Sector Acquisitions, Leasing and Services Law (Ley de Adquisiciones, Arrendamientos y Servicios del Sector Público) to empower the president or any agency to acquire medical equipment, medicine and services abroad without the need for a national public bidding. Later the Senate also approved such reform.
The proposal adds a paragraph to Article 1 of the law, which states that "in the case of the acquisition of goods or provision of health services, when the market investigation concludes that the tender is not the ideal way to assure the State the best conditions (…) the dependencies and entities, with prior authorization of the Ministry (of Finance), may contract the acquisition of goods or provision of health services with these international intergovernmental organizations through previously established collaboration organizations."
The reform will be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the situation surrounding COVID-19 is evolving and that the subject matter discussed in these publications may change on a daily basis. Please contact your responsible Holland & Knight lawyer or the author of this alert for timely advice.
Information contained in this alert is for the general education and knowledge of our readers. It is not designed to be, and should not be used as, the sole source of information when analyzing and resolving a legal problem. Moreover, the laws of each jurisdiction are different and are constantly changing. If you have specific questions regarding a particular fact situation, we urge you to consult competent legal counsel.
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