February 22, 2021

Continuing the Conversation - The Travel Act as a Tool for DOJ Prosecutions in the Healthcare Industry

Client Alert
Jessica B. Magee | Richard B. Roper | Michael W. Stockham

In their January 25th Coffee & Conversation, Thompson & Knight partners Jessica Magee, Michael Stockham, and former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Richard Roper identified healthcare fraud as an increasing area of priority for criminal law enforcement in the Biden Administration. Of course, the Department of Justice (DOJ) regularly prosecutes unlawful conduct involving federal health care programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE. But as part of DOJ’s anticipated trend toward more aggressive investigations and indictments in this area, individuals and companies should be aware of how the DOJ has and, we expect, will continue to increasingly utilize the sixty-year old Travel Act to federalize state law crimes—especially covering bribery and kickbacks—to pursue broader, more aggressive investigations and enforcement actions.

READ: Continuing the Conversation - The Travel Act as a Tool for DOJ Prosecutions in the Healthcare Industry

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