In the Headlines
December 1, 2009

Green days for landscapers in roofing labor fight

Chicago Tribune
Labor, Employment and Benefits Partner Kenneth Jenero was quoted in a December 1 Chicago Tribune article titled "Green days for landscapers in roofing labor fight."

The article discusses developments in the ongoing dispute between roofers and commercial landscapers over rights to green roof projects. As reported previously by the Chicago Tribune, a September 30 National Labor Relations Board decision favored Moore Landscapes, Inc. over the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers. On November 27, the NLRB rejected roofers' claims that a roofing license is needed to plant green roofs a second time by awarding Pedersen Company, a St. Charles landscaper, work at two Chicago Public School. Mr. Jenero, who represents both Moore Landscapes and Pedersen Company opined that, "[the rulings}hopefully will put an end to the roofers' efforts to claim the installation of vegetative green roof systems for its members." To read the full article please visit the below link.