In the Headlines
November 19, 2015

TSA Relocation to Alexandria Voided by Federal Judge

Alexandria Times

A federal judge recently voided the U.S. Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) lease that would have brought the agency to Alexandria, Va. General Services Administration (GSA) Leasing attorney Robert MacKichan says the decision will set a precedent for future procurement legal challenges.

“If the U.S. Court of Federal Claims has confirmed that they do have the right to declare a GSA lease void of an issue, then that changes the entire landscape for the way unsuccessful bidders challenge the actions of GSA,” Mr. MacKichan said.

Mr. MacKichan also explains that there are three possible avenues for GSA to take: re-evaluate the proposals in light of the court’s findings, amend the Request for Lease Proposals that solicits bids, or cancel the entire process and start anew, which would push back the awarding of the TSA headquarters.

READ: TSA Relocation to Alexandria Voided by Federal Judge