Here’s What Employers Need to Know About COVID-19 Liability Shields
Senior Counsel Gina Fonte was quoted in a Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) article about what employers need to know about COVID-19 liability shields. Following the uptick in COVID-19-related lawsuits filed against employers, some states have enacted laws shielding business from some liability. However, the legal protections differ from one jurisdiction to another. The article goes on to describe proposed federal legislation that would provide protection to certain businesses as well as state law nuances that employers should understand. Ms. Fonte offers tips for employers to protect their employees from illness and avoid potential litigation.
"The key to successfully invoking civil immunity from COVID-19-related actions is the ability to establish that your business made 'reasonable' and 'good-faith' efforts to comply with any applicable government standards and guidance in effect at any given time," Ms. Fonte said.
READ: Here’s What Employers Need to Know About COVID-19 Liability Shields