In the Headlines
January 20, 2022

Combined, Brownstein and Akin Gump Brought In $110M in DC Lobbying Revenue in 2021

National Law Journal

Public Policy & Regulation Group Leader Rich Gold spoke with National Law Journal about the booming business Holland & Knight and fellow law firms in the D.C. area that provide lobbying and government relations services have experienced in 2021. 

“It’s the reality of how hard Congress has been working, transitioning to a new administration and dealing with substantial and significant pieces of legislation,” state Mr. Gold, adding that Congress was kept busy throughout the year between the American Rescue Plan, the infrastructure bill and the Build Back Better Act. “This was one of those, ‘throw everything at the wall’ work sessions for Congress. And when those happen, [lobbyists] have really big years. Because if you’re a major corporation, big nonprofit or even a major city mayor, this is one of those times where you’re either at the table, or you’re on the menu.”

Holland & Knight, another firm with a strong government affairs business, posted Q4 2021 figures of $9.7 million and yearly 2021 revenues of $34.9 million. Those figures represented around a 25% increase in quarterly revenue and a 20% increase in annual revenue, year-on-year.

Holland & Knight’s Gold said the numbers are proof of the fact that lobbying and government advocacy is increasingly important to clients. He said 2022 is likely to still be busy, but in a different way.

“We’re already starting to see a bit of a transition—still with a lot of activity. 2022 is going to be a different type of year that moves from a myopic focus on Congress, to more of a split focus between Congress and the executive branch, with a focus on the rulemaking process,” said Gold. “It’s going to be a slightly different type of year with a different cadence."

READ: Combined, Brownstein and Akin Gump Brought In $110M in DC Lobbying Revenue in 2021 (subscription required)