In the Headlines
June 27, 2023

These Are the Conditions to Receive a Pension, According to the Regime (Colpensiones or AFP)

Asuntos Legales

Labor attorney Camilo Cuervo Díaz was interviewed by Asuntos Legales about pension reform in Colombia. Recently, the country's Constitutional Court declared unenforceable an article in the Law 797 of 2003 that requires women to contribute 1,300 weeks for their pension, equal to the 26 years that men must save. The court ordered Colombia's Congress to reduce the time for contributions from women to 1,000 weeks, or 19 years. Mr. Cuervo commented on the possible effects of the ruling on those who make voluntary contributions.

"In terms of labor and social security, there is no impact, since in principle these are voluntary contributions that can help improve the pension but do not affect the basic legal benefit if they are not made or if those making then withdraw early," he explained.

READ: These Are the Conditions to Receive a Pension, According to the Regime (Colpensiones or AFP)