In the Headlines
May 17, 2024

House Panel Calls for a DOD Quantum Computing Center of Excellence


Technology policy attorney Paul Stimers was quoted in a DefenseScoop article discussing a recent legislative proposal calling for the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to establish a Center of Excellence (COE) dedicated to quantum computing. Mr. Stimers leads a coalition of quantum computing, communications and cryptography companies that works to advance U.S. leadership in the field of quantum information science (QIS), and he emphasized the group's support for developing a comprehensive strategy for quantum research and development. He also noted creating a quantum-specific COE is consistent with the goals of the bipartisan Defense Quantum Acceleration Act.

"In general, the coalition supports efforts to develop an overarching strategy for DOD quantum R&D, and the creation of an organization within DOD with the authority and capacity to execute such a strategy," he said.

READ: House Panel Calls for a DOD Quantum Computing Center of Excellence