In the Headlines
June 5, 2024

"The Future of the Mining Sector in Colombia Is Worrisome If Unconstitutional Public Policies and Regulations Continue Being Implemented": Estefanny Pardo

360 Radio

Mining attorney Estefanny Pardo was featured in a Q&A with 360 Radio about the outlook for mining in Colombia. Ms. Pardo commented that recent regulations reflect a public policy from the government that aims to redefine where and how mining activities take place, which generates significant legal and economic uncertainty. She also analyzed how recent judicial decisions, such as the Constitutional Court's ruling on the deductibility of royalties, affects both the industry and the national economy. Above all, she underlined the importance of the mining sector speaking with one voice to defend its interests and rights.

"From the mining sector's point of view, we see that this will be affected if unconstitutional, illegal public policies and regulations continue being passed. Therefore, the call is please listen to the mining sector, listen to the proposals that the mining sector has and take into account these proposals before issuing regulations that generate a negative domino effect," she said. "If these policies continue, what we are going to see are mines that are going to sue the state for violations of rights, legitimate expectations, and we are going to have a quantity of lawsuits and that is going to generate a negative economic impact in the long term, not only for the mining sector but also for the country's economy."

READ: "The Future of the Mining Sector in Colombia Is Worrisome If Unconstitutional Public Policies and Regulations Continue Being Implemented": Estefanny Pardo