Press Release
September 14, 2020

Holland & Knight Represents Landsea Homes in Securing Project Approvals for Housing Development in Northern California

Developer finally breaks ground for long-awaited residential condominium project in Novato

SAN FRANCISCO (September 14, 2020) – Holland & Knight client Landsea Homes of Northern California broke ground last week on the 7711 Redwood Boulevard Residences in Novato, California. The project is an 80-home townhome-style residential condominium project, with 20 percent of its homes devoted to low- and very-low-income households. Holland & Knight Attorneys Daniel Golub and Genna Yarkin served as the primary entitlement and land use permitting attorneys who secured the project approvals from the City of Novato.

"This project had been stalled for many years in an area where housing is very difficult to get entitled and approved," said Mark Chamberlain, vice president for forward planning and land development for Landsea Homes of Northern California. "The Holland & Knight team, led by Dan Golub, effectively and efficiently provided the necessary legal power to get this important project underway."

Previous efforts to develop the site for housing had failed for approximately 20 years. After Holland & Knight joined the team, Mr. Golub and Ms. Yarkin invoked a range of state laws, including the Density Bonus Law, Housing Element Law and Housing Accountability Act, that moved the project swiftly through the local entitlement and approval process. Landsea Homes closed on the property August 31, 2020, and started grading the very next day, September 1 – an extremely rare occurrence attributable to the extensive efforts that were made to get all project approvals lined up so that construction could immediately begin.