Independent Sponsors

  • The diversification of types of sponsors that are leading deals has created a need for legal advisors who understand and regularly practice in nontraditional private equity transactions.
  • Holland & Knight's Independent Sponsors Team brings decades of independent sponsor deal experience to bear for its clients, acting as trusted, value-added deal lawyers and counselors for participants in every aspect of independent sponsor deals.
  • Our attorneys do not moonlight in the independent sponsor space. Rather, our full-service team of lawyers and deal professionals has been specifically formed to fulfill all independent sponsor needs.
Independent Sponsors


Holland & Knight's Independent Sponsors Team regularly represents independent sponsors, single-check equity backers, co-investors and debt financing sources in connection with all facets of independent sponsor acquisition transactions, as well as majority and minority equity investments. Our attorneys understand the nuances of independent sponsor deals, including the execution risks, simultaneous workstreams, tax and equity structuring considerations that independent sponsor deal participants need to manage.

We are not merely private equity lawyers dabbling in the independent sponsor world. From market economic terms and tax considerations to financing objectives and bid-winning strategies, our lawyers and deal professionals leverage their substantive experience and the broader Holland & Knight platform to provide innovative solutions to the distinct issues that independent sponsor deal participants face.

In-Depth Experience and Know-How

To further enhance our value-added offering, our Independent Sponsors Team partners with the HK Deal Flow℠ program to make strategic introductions to capital sources, deal intermediaries and companies seeking investment or exit. Our team also regularly shares its vast industry knowledge through speaking engagements and the publication of white papers.

We fully understand and embrace the diverse backgrounds found in the independent sponsor community. Whether an independent sponsor is a seasoned deal professional with a robust private equity background, an operator looking to use its industry or process expertise to unlock value in its investments, or individual investor wanting to venture out on his or her own, our attorneys understand the unique considerations for these types of sponsors, and we tailor our advice and guidance to their needs. Although every independent sponsor does not aspire to become a committed fund, our Independent Sponsors Team is well versed in counseling first-time fund-raisers and other emerging fund managers, helping them navigate the transition from independent sponsor to committed fund general partner.

With Holland & Knight's Independent Sponsors Team, clients will receive the experienced guidance of lawyers who spend significant portions of their time on independent sponsor transactions, direct partner involvement and comprehensive counsel throughout the relationship, as well as full support from a Holland & Knight platform that is able to service clients from their first deal to their first fund raise and all the way to their last exit.