Holland & Knight Forms Multidisciplinary Chevron Deference Working Team

Holland & Knight announced the formation of our Chevron Deference Working Team in advance of the U.S. Supreme Court's June 28, 2024, Loper decision, which overturned the Chevron deference doctrine and will lead to a period of regulatory changes and potential legal challenges for some time.

The team, co-led by Partners Lynn Calkins from the firm's Litigation Section and Rich Gold from the Government Section, includes Partners Brian Bunger, Andy Emerson, Steven Gordon, Dimitrios Karakitsos, Timothy Taylor, Joshua Odintz, Rafe Petersen, Christine Walz, Kwamina Williford and John Wood, along with Senior Policy Advisor Miranda Franco and Associates Zachary Lundgren, Amy O'Brien and Alexandra Ward.

The Chevron doctrine was established nearly 40 years ago in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, in which the justices ruled that courts should defer to an agency's reasonable interpretation of ambiguous statutes it administers. With the underlying case supporting this deference overturned, the previous presumption that federal agencies exercise specialized expertise in interpreting certain laws no longer stands. Rather, as the court stated in Loper, statutory interpretation is the judiciary's province, and agency interpretations can inform courts but no longer bind them.

The firm's Chevron Deference Working Team includes regulatory, litigation and public policy attorneys from multiple practice areas to offer comprehensive support to clients and help them navigate the current and forthcoming legal complexities with confidence.

The overturning of Chevron deference will bring about substantial changes in administrative law, affecting regulatory interpretations and enforcement by various agencies. Our Chevron Deference Working Team is positioned to guide businesses in adapting their legal, regulatory and legislative strategies.

For more information or assistance regarding the Chevron deference doctrine and related legal matters, please reach out to the Chevron Deference Working Team.

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