Surplus Land Act

Holland & Knight Webinar
Webinar, CLE Available
Surplus Land Act
May 24, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PT


Please join Holland & Knight's West Coast Land Use and Environmental Group for a webinar discussion on California's Surplus Land Act.

In an effort to achieve more affordable housing on surplus property owned by local agencies, amendments to the Surplus Land Act have significantly expanded procedures required to be followed by local agencies when selling or leasing such property. The amendments also impose new reporting obligations and add penalties for noncompliance.

During this webinar, attorneys Chelsea Maclean, David Preiss and Nathaniel Bernstein will provide an overview of the state legislation dictating disposition procedures and requirements and will identify notable exemptions. They will also review a number of real-world case studies at the local level and tips for public-private partnership projects.

We hope you can join us for this highly informative presentation.