May 14, 2024

Holland & Knight Health Dose: May 14, 2024

Sarah Starling Crossan | Abigail Hemenway
Holland & Knight Health Dose

Holland & Knight Health Dose is an in-depth weekly dose of legislative and regulatory insights to keep stakeholders abreast of happenings in Washington, D.C., impacting the health sector.

This week's topics include:

  • House Speaker Johnson Survives Motion to Vacate
  • FY 2025 Appropriations
  • FAA Reauthorization
  • Senate HELP Committee Ranking Member Cassidy Releases White Paper on NIH Transparency and Modernization
  • MA Prior Authorization Bill
  • GOP House E&C Committee Leaders Call Out ASPR Over Issues with National Stockpile
  • House W&M Committee Marks Up Telehealth Extension, PBM Reform, Rural Health Bills
  • House E&C Committee to Mark Up Telehealth Legislation
  • CMS Proposes New Mandatory Organ Transplant Model for ESRD
  • DOJ to Combat Healthcare Market Consolidation with New Healthcare Task Force
  • Upcoming FDA Annual Meeting on User Fee Programs
  • New Cyberattack of Private Health System Bolsters Concerns of Healthcare Security
  • CMS Extends State Unwinding Flexibilities Through June 2025

Read the full Health Dose »

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